Upcoming Events

Easter flower sign ups

Orders are now being taken for Easter flowers. The deadline to order is March 29. Cost is $16/plant.  There will be both Easter lilies and spring flowers, but we cannot guarantee what type of plant you will receive. Plants may be picked up after Easter worship. To order, please fill out the sign up form at the link below: Easter flower sign up...

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Come and See

Fourth Sunday in Lent The gospel for this Sunday is the story of the man born blind healed by Christ. "I was blind, now I see," declares the man. But what an uproar this causes. There follows a long inquisition about his identity, who was involved, the testimony of the townspeople, the blind man's parents, and the reaction of the Pharisees. Jesus i...

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Clothing Drive for Jason Lee Middle School

New and gently used clothing (all sizes) is now being collected. Donations can be brought to church during office hours or to any worship services. Donations are being collected through April 5. Please contact Jessica Potts at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

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The CLT is beginning it's process of putting together Messiah's Call Committee, a significant group in the calling of a new pastor. This communication is designed to 1) Explain the process, 2) Allow members to volunteer for service, and 3) Outline the responsibilities of the call committee and the timeline they will follow. 1. How Does this Wo...

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People of a Certain Age

The 6:00 AM Tuesday morning book group has just finished Bill McKibben's The Flag, the Cross and the Station Wagon and is now in recess until April 11. (The Tuesday after Easter.) Sometime between now and then I'll get a "vote" form out for you about our next book or focus. There are no space limitations on ZOOM so we'd love to have you! ...

  303 Hits

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