Upcoming Events


Okay, Cleopas and his friend weren't ambushed. But, deep in grief over the death of Jesus (and possible theft of his body) as these two men walk home from Jerusalem to Emmaus they totally don't recognize the stranger that joins them. And, Jesus isn't volunteering any clarity about who he is. I guess he knows they'll figure it out whe...

  502 Hits

Register today for Vacation Bible School 2023!

Vacation Bible School is just around the corner!  Vacation Bible School will take place July 17-21, and the program is available for all children ages 4-years-old* (*must be 4 by August 31, 2023) - 5th grade.  VBS for 1st-5th grade will run in the church building from 9am-12pm, and VBS for preschoolers and kindergartners will take place a...

  3047 Hits

Sung Liturgy at Hazel Dell

Did you notice a lot more singing than usual during the Easter Sunday service at Hazel Dell? The liturgy that the Messiah worship team is using throughout the Easter season is a setting called "Now the Feast" by contemporary composer Marty Haugen. In addition to short liturgical music, it contains two of Haugen's standalone hymns, As the Grains of ...

  464 Hits

Let's hear it for FAITHFUL Thomas!

On the second Sunday of Easter we always turn to the one who is often called "Doubting Thomas." He is the one who misses out on the first meeting with Jesus behind the locked doors that keep them safe from the world. The others are thrilled with having seen the risen Lord and Thomas expresses his need to see for himself. He wants his own experience...

  315 Hits

Call Committee Prayer Support

One of Messiah's members, Hope Quinn, has suggested that she would like to organize and support a Prayer Team specifically focused on our Call Committee members and their work. Thank you, Hope. What a wonderful gift! Hope's vision is that this is something anybody who feels called could do from home on their own schedule. She'll keep the Team ...

  231 Hits

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