Vacation Bible School

The children and family ministry program is committed to helping children and their families grow in faith together, and build on our foundation, Jesus Christ, in sharing God’s love with others.

Programs are also available that support the whole family. Quarterly family devotionals are available in the foyer and are also available to celebrate Advent and Lent. Throughout the year, small group Bible studies are organized that aid, guide, and support parents’ efforts to raise centered, well-rounded, and actively Christian children that share God’s love with others.

New volunteers are always welcome. A successful ministry is not run by one, but by the many and varied hands that help! You are invited to consider the many amazing and life-fulfilling opportunities to serve with the children and family ministries. Opportunities abound on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and with special events. Only a desire to share God’s love with Messiah’s children is required. 


Children's Faith Formation

Godly Play®

Children three years old through 5th grade are invited to participate in Godly Play® Wednesdays from 6-7PM.


If you have any questions, please reach out to Tori Beavin: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Godly Play®
Godly Play® is a method of Christian education that recognizes that even our youngest children have an innate awareness of God’s presence; they simply lack our adult Christian language to express that awareness. Godly Play® uses a child’s natural desire to hear stories, play, and create to teach them our Christian language in a prepared and intentional environment created for them. This program is being used with the three-year-olds through fifth graders as their Sunday school class.

Godly Play® curriculum is also used during the school year at FL!P on Wednesdays for three year olds to first graders and second to fifth graders. Both groups meet from 3:45-4:35p.

 What Is Godly Play Vidoe Screen Shot for Web

 Watch Messiah's intro video to Godly Play®

For more information on Godly Play®, please follow these links:

What is Godly Play®
Godly Play® Foundation





Permission Slips and Safety

A Liability and Release Form is needed for your child to participate in Sunday school, youth ministry activities, confirmation, and other programs. These are available from the persons leading classes and activities and at the front office of the church at the Hazel Dell campus.

The safety of all children and youth is important to us. Washington State background checks on all people working with children and youth are required and are updated every two years. Forms are available in the church office or can be downloaded and printed from this website.

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