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Join us for Lent!

Debra Rienstra writes: "Refugia Faith requires a sturdy capacity to grieve, lament and repent. It requires the humility that comes from feeling helpless and small. More important refugia faith compels us to grieve along with others, to build empathy and compassion for those whose griefs we may never have bothered about before."She continues: "Lente...

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The Vital Role of "Nothing" - Ash Wednesday

"Ashes present a great diminishment away from the living tree with its huge crown and its abundant shade. The recognition of this diminishment is a proper experience for men who are over thirty. If the man doesn't experience that diminishment sharply, he will retain his inflation, and continue to identify himself with all in him that can fly: his s...

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Lutheran Disaster Response helps with earthquake victims

From ELCA,org: On Feb. 6 two powerful earthquakes hit Türkiye and significantly impacted neighboring Syria. The first was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in south central Türkiye, followed hours later by a magnitude 7.5 quake in the southeastern part of the country. The two quakes have devastated Türkiye and Syria, collapsing thousands of buildings and ...

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One Mile Mission Supplies and Volunteers Needed to help with service project at Jason Lee, Affinity Room at Columbia River

 NeededOn Wednesday, March 1 from 9am - 11am, Messiah will be partnering with Jason Lee Middle School for an all-school day of service. Students will all sign up for service projects. Some will take place at the school and some will take place at Messiah Hazel Dell. Many volunteers are needed. Vancouver School District volunteer clearance is n...

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Lenten worship at Messiah

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 22nd. Messiah will offer two worship services that day for the distribution of ashes, both at Messiah Hazel Dell. The first will be at 10:30 am and the second at 6pm. Following Ash Wednesday, every Wednesday during Lent at Messiah will have a soup supper, mid-week worship and a service projec...

  360 Hits

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