Upcoming Events

Pastor Dave's Book/Bible Study Schedule

Holy Week is a pause in the usual routine of our lives. Functionally it's a pause because our focus and time moves to the special services of the season - Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter!. Spiritually it is the same. I encourage you to set other things aside as much as possible and spend time internally focusing on what the death and r...

  258 Hits

Call committee announced

The Church Leadership Team (CLT) met March 28 and created the Call Committee from the many members of the congregation who came forward to volunteer for service. The CLT had many more candidates than they were able to place on the committee.Thank you to all who came forward and were willing to serve. The Call Committee is: Vicki Taylor-Roskopf, Cha...

  324 Hits

From "Hosanna" to "Crucify him"

Palm/Passion Sunday First it is a parade, then it is a perp walk. One minute the crowd shouts, "Hosanna!"  Not too much later, the tide is turned and people are shouting, "Crucify him!" Today, we encounter the paradox that defines our faith: Jesus Christ is glorified king and humiliated servant. We too are full of paradox: like Peter, we ferve...

  415 Hits

On the Brink of Everything

We are now in the middle of Holy Week. Sunday we raised Palms and sang "Hosanna!" This is the beginning of the week that was. In the party (and politically charged) atmosphere that was Passover - with everybody who was anybody in Jerusalem - Jesus rode into town as a Fan Fav who hailed him as a prophet and the promised "Son of David." This was our ...

  382 Hits

Inviting All Men . . .

Saturday, May 20, Lutheran Men in Mission is sponsoring a "Bold Gathering" for men. It will be at Trinity Lutheran Church Parkland in Tacoma, WA. There is no cost other than a freewill offering basket with lunch. I'm curious about the event and plan to attend personally. If you wish to make a day of it with me I'd be glad to have company. Time...

  210 Hits

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