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Pastors Blog: 21st Century Discipleship

It will be a gift to be back in worship this Sunday, January 21, 2024, and - finally - be free of icy streets. (He said hopefully!!) This Sunday's Gospel Lesson is Mark 1:14-20. You my know this text for its familiar "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." statement. Midweek Bible Study was snowed out, but if we had met we would have talked...

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"Make friends with dishonest wealth!" - Really?

The Gospel Lesson this Sunday (September 18, 2022) is Luke 16:1-13. It's a story sometimes called The Parable of the Dishonest Manager. In it Jesus says that the "children of this age" are smarter than Christians. He also tells us to "make friends for ourselves by means of dishonest wealth." What the heck does that mean??! (In all honesty prea...

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Hearing The Great Commission refreshed and "refleshed"!

Pastor Dave recalled for us this week the potential or power that the congregation assumes with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of our Kingdom ministry. Together the church baptizes and communes, and teaches and preaches, and serves and preserves for the sake of all the nations. This is not a matter of one or two pastors or a couple of ...

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Somebody just doesn't like rich guys!

I try not to take this personally, but either Luke (the Gospel writer) or Jesus himself seems to have an issue with rich guys. My wife isn't sure I qualify but, you know, I have a job and a pension. What does it take?! Anyway, last Sunday the Gospel Lesson began, "There was a rich man who ..." and I had to talk about "dishonest wealth." Gotta say, ...

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Advent 2022-Waking up to Hope

Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn is a beautiful Advent hymn by Marty Haugen, and captures much of the prophet Isaiah's witness to the coming hope and anticipation of the Messiah. Advent is a season of looking forward and looking back. Looking forward to Christmas obviously and the celebration of the Incarnate one born in Bethlehem. In retrospec...

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