Upcoming Events

Messiah Hosts Parkinson's Support Group

The West Vancouver Parkinson's Disease Support Group meets the third Friday of every month in the Fellowship Hall. This support group is sponsored by the Parkinson's Resources of Oregon and SW Washington, headquartered in Beaverton. This group meets in person, but also has on-line attendees via Zoom. The group used to meet at Legacy Hospital before...

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Can-Am book group reads "Belonging"

The Can-Am book group is starting a new book study. This small group meets weekly via Zoom, connecting Messiah with friends in Christ in Saskatchewan, Canada. The group is now reading Belonging: 5 Keys to unlock your potential as a disciple by Karoline Lewis.  The group meets Wednesday from 10-11:30am via zoom  Contact Julie Backous at ju...

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Messiah partners with Jason Lee Middle School for day of service

This past week Messiah partnered with Jason Lee Middle School for a day of service.  Messiah volunteers helped with eight service projects, five at Jason Lee and three onsite at Messiah.  The projects at Messiah included packing personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief, packing snack bags for Ridgefield Family Resource Center, pa...

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Know it by Heart!!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." I know John 3:16 by heart - and for some reason in the old King James translation. I've never had a KJV Bible. I also know most of the 23rd Psalm, the Lord's Prayer, the 10 Commandments and the Apostle'...

  520 Hits

New Prayer Shawl group meets Thursdays at Hazel Dell

A new caring/crafting ministry has been formed!  Beginning Thursday, March 2 at 6pm in the chapel at the Hazel Dell campus, knitters, crocheters, and weavers will meet together to create prayer shawls and/or lap blankets to give to those in need of prayer (shut ins, people on hospice, recovering from major illnesses, those who are grieving a l...

  260 Hits

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