Upcoming Events

Welcome new members!

Welcome to the new members who were officially welcomed into the Messiah community this past weekend at worship at the Hazel Dell and Messiah North campuses. We are so glad you are here! Tina Lips  Tara Wikstrom Eric Wikstrom Henry Wikstrom Bill Fortier, Rachelle Fortier and Penelope, Henry, Fiona, Oscar and Margot Jesse Black-Eggleston, ...

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Lenten Special Collection to benefit Lutheran Disaster Response and Christ the Shepherd Lutheran Church in Altadena, Calif.

This Lent, Messiah will be collecting funds during Lent to assist those affected by the wildfires in California. The funds collected will be shared between Lutheran Disaster Response and Christ the Shepherd Lutheran Church, an ELCA church in Altadena, California.Christ the Shepherd is a congregation on the front lines of the disaster and is working...

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Messiah partners with Ridgefield United Methodist for study of "How We Learn To Be Brave"

After Easter, Messiah will be participating in a joint book study with Ridgefield United Methodist in Ridgefield.  The first book the group will be reading is "How We Learn To Be Brave" by Mariann Edgar Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington D.C. The study will begin May 1 in Ridgefield, and will also meet on Sundays after worship at Messia...

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Pastors' Blog: Inclusive Faith: Love, Justice, and Solidarity

Dear Friends in Christ, A few weeks ago I shared with you a few letters that were written by leaders in our denomination in response to events in the world around us. Today I want to share two more such documents with you. Today, I want to share with you two important documents that reflect our commitment as a faith community to love, justice, and ...

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Wednesdays at Messiah will be full of activities each week during Lent

Wednesdays during Lent at Messiah will be full of activities for all ages.  Each Wednesday through April 9, Messiah Hazel Dell will host  Godly Play activities for children, a soup supper in the lower dining hall, Holden evening prayer worship and a service activity.  4:30 p.m.-5:15 p.m. - Godly Play: Lent in Wonder A Godly Play seri...

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