Upcoming Events

Call Committee update for April

The Call Committee held its initial meeting on April 27 as well as another meeting on May 1.   The congregation has already indicated an interest in nominating potential candidates, and the form and process to be used for this purpose is being established, and will be announced very shortly. The Call Committee is preparing to conduct inte...

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Qigong class meets Saturdays in the gym

Did you know that here is a Qigong class meeting weekly at Messiah?  It meets 9:30 to 10:30am on Saturdays in the gym. The class is led by Liz Bolza. Liz has been leading Qigong classes for over 20 years.  According to Liz, "Qigong was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qigong practice ...

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Can-Am Book Club Reads Embody - Five Ways to Lead with Integrity by Karoline Lewis

The Can-Am (Canadian-American) book club has started reading "Embody" by Karoline Lewis, which focuses on church leadership. This group meets via Zoom each Wednesday at 10 a.m. They just finished reading another book by the same author, "Belonging" which focused on discipleship, featuring the story of the Woman at the Well. This grou...

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Messiah North to begin meeting for Brunch after church in May

Beginning May 7, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. Messiah North will start a new adventure of meeting for Brunch after church at local restaurants in the Ridgefield area. This idea was suggested at a meeting for Messiah North to brainstorm ideas for fellowship and is now about to become a reality! The May 7 brunch will be held at Sportsman's Public Hou...

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Synod Assembly May 5-6

What's a Synod Assembly? (For that matter, what's a "synod"?!) Well, the "Synod" is the 88 congregations and 30,000 some ELCA Lutherans in SW Washington. There are 65 synods in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and each synod is served by a bishop and the bishop's staff. Our bishop is Rick Jaech, and the Bishop's Associate is R...

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