Messiah News

Endowment Committee seeking grant requests before June 21

The Endowment Committee is seeking grant request submissions in these areas:

  • National and International Outreach, Ministries, and Missions (examples: World Gospel mission feeding children, Messiah Mission trip support)
  • Local Community Outreach, Ministries and Missions (examples: Winter clothing for local school children, emergency refugee fund, shut in member support)
  • Programs or capital improvements within MLC and outside the operating budget (examples: Special lighting for Godly Play, smart screen for MLC education room)

Grants are considered 4 times per year. The next deadline is June 21, 2023. The application can be found on Messiah's website under the "About Messiah" tab in the upper right of the page. Choose Endowment. A page will open and at the bottom of that page is a green link to the application.

Endowment committee submission form link >>

You may use the form or simply send your response as an email numbering your answers in relationship to the questions answered. Please submit it to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All responses must be submitted electronically.

Your grant requests will be prayerfully considered by the Endowment team which recommends grants for approval to the Congregation Leadership Team. They will vote on the grants in their July meeting.

If you have questions you can use the above email address or phone the current chair, Janet Borst at 360.573.6220

-Janet Borst

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