Messiah News

Lutheran Disaster Response helps with earthquake victims

From ELCA,org: On Feb. 6 two powerful earthquakes hit Türkiye and significantly impacted neighboring Syria. The first was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in south central Türkiye, followed hours later by a magnitude 7.5 quake in the southeastern part of the country. The two quakes have devastated Türkiye and Syria, collapsing thousands of buildings and ...

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One Mile Mission Supplies and Volunteers Needed to help with service project at Jason Lee, Affinity Room at Columbia River

 NeededOn Wednesday, March 1 from 9am - 11am, Messiah will be partnering with Jason Lee Middle School for an all-school day of service. Students will all sign up for service projects. Some will take place at the school and some will take place at Messiah Hazel Dell. Many volunteers are needed. Vancouver School District volunteer clearance is n...

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Preschool registration for 2023-24 begins this week

Are you a current Messiah preschool family? If so, it's time to start registering for next year!  Registration for current Preschool families begins Feb.8 at 8:15am inside Messiah Lutheran Church. For those who have previously had a child at Messiah Preschool and are registering another, registration begins Feb. 13 in the Preschool. If you kno...

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Interested in becoming a Messiah member? Want more information about Messiah? You are invited to a dessert on Feb. 19

Attention guests of Messiah! Are you interested in becoming an official church member, or just want more information about Messiah? Messiah is hosting a dessert for people interested in membership at Messiah or those interested in more information. The meeting will be  on February 19th at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall at Messiah Hazel Dell.&nb...

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Wednesday bible study underway

The Wednesday Bible Study with Pastor Dave is underway and had a great turnout at the first session! All are welcome to join in anytime with no commitment. Each week the study will go over the bible lessons for the coming Sunday with a study sheet provided weekly. The group meets each Wednesday at 2pm in the fellowship hall of Messiah Hazel Dell.

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