Upcoming Events

Catch "Encanto" at Messiah Movie Night April 14

The votes are officially in, and we will be showing the film Encanto!  All are invited to a free movie night at Messiah Lutheran Church on Friday, April 14th at 6:00 PM!  The film will be shown in the sanctuary where there is plenty of seating available as well as space to lounge on the floor if preferred.  You are also invited to we...

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Pastor Dave's Book/Bible Study Schedule

Holy Week is a pause in the usual routine of our lives. Functionally it's a pause because our focus and time moves to the special services of the season - Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter!. Spiritually it is the same. I encourage you to set other things aside as much as possible and spend time internally focusing on what the death and r...

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On the Brink of Everything

We are now in the middle of Holy Week. Sunday we raised Palms and sang "Hosanna!" This is the beginning of the week that was. In the party (and politically charged) atmosphere that was Passover - with everybody who was anybody in Jerusalem - Jesus rode into town as a Fan Fav who hailed him as a prophet and the promised "Son of David." This was our ...

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Call committee announced

The Church Leadership Team (CLT) met March 28 and created the Call Committee from the many members of the congregation who came forward to volunteer for service. The CLT had many more candidates than they were able to place on the committee.Thank you to all who came forward and were willing to serve. The Call Committee is: Vicki Taylor-Roskopf, Cha...

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The CLT is beginning it's process of putting together Messiah's Call Committee, a significant group in the calling of a new pastor. This communication is designed to 1) Explain the process, 2) Allow members to volunteer for service, and 3) Outline the responsibilities of the call committee and the timeline they will follow. 1. How Does this Wo...

  446 Hits

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