Upcoming Events

Thank you for a wonderful Christmas season

The staff of Messiah Lutheran Church extend their deepest thanks and gratitude to all who helped in big ways and small with their time, talents and presence to make this Christmas season special at Messiah.While the weather may have made things challenging this year, we still consider ourselves truly blessed.  Whether you were a long time memb...

  473 Hits

Weather cancellations update: Christmas Eve 2022 worship at Messiah

Update: Due to persistently icy conditions at Windy Hills Winery in Ridgefield, the 4pm Service at Messiah North has also been cancelled. Due to icy weather conditions the 10:30am service and 2:00pm service at Messiah Hazel Dell have been cancelled.  All are welcome to join in worship at the  7pm service at Messiah Hazel Dell. For th...

  684 Hits

New Year's Resolve

I would like to add my personal "Thank You" to that of the entire staff for the wonderful Christmas Season with all of you. Thank you for your support, your various forms of service and help, and thank you for your gift of time and presence through the whole of the Advent/Christmas cycle. It's been wonderful. By extension I wish to also thank you f...

  337 Hits

Comfort and Hope Service Dec. 21

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. Psalm 18:28 A Winter Solstice Service Offering Comfort and Hope during the year's longest night: Wednesday, December 21 at 3PM Hazel Dell sanctuary Time with God and others to unburden yourself of life's stresses and sorrows. Time to feel enveloped in God's love and be consoled. ...

  419 Hits

Church office closed Dec. 26-Jan.2

The Messiah Church office will be closed from Dec. 26-Jan. 2. While the office is closed, voicemail messages will be checked regularly. Additionally, in the event of urgent pastoral needs, please email Pastor Dave at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Pastor Tom at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  274 Hits

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