Messiah News

Holy Week and Easter 2023 Schedule at Messiah

All are welcome to join in participating in worship throughout Holy Week at Messiah Lutheran Church.

On  Maundy Thursday, April 6, at Messiah's Hazel Dell location,  worship will be at 6pm.

On Good Friday, April 7, services will be at Hazel Dell at 10:30am and 6pm.

The 6pm services on both days will also be livestreamed on the Messiah website.

The culmination of the week will be Easter celebrations at both Messiah Hazel Dell and Messiah North.

A sunrise service will be held in the field of Eisenhower Elementary school across the street from Messiah Hazel Dell at 6:30am on Easter morning, April 9.

Easter morning worship services will then follow at Messiah North at 9am and Messiah Hazel Dell at 10:30am. The nursery will be open for the 10:30am service to help care for little ones during worship.

The 10:30am service will also be livestreamed on the Messiah website.

At both campuses at 10am there will be Easter egg hunts for children. Participants are encouraged to bring a bag or a basket in which to collect eggs.

No matter how you choose to participate, all are welcome to join in celebrating Jesus' resurrection and acknowledge that "he is alive and has become the Lord of life."

April 2-Palm Sunday

Messiah North 9am

Messiah Hazel Dell 10:30 am (also livestreamed)

April 6-Maundy Thursday

Messiah Hazel Dell 6pm (also livestreamed)

April 7-Good Friday

Messiah Hazel Dell 10:30am, 6pm (also livestreamed)

April 9-Easter Sunday

Messiah Hazel Dell Sunrise service 6:30am (Eisenhower Elementary Field)

Messiah North 9am

Messiah Hazel Dell 10:30am (also livestreamed)

Egg hunts at Messiah North and Messiah Hazel Dell at 10am

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