Upcoming Events

Vegetable gardening ministry, From Seed to Harvest, meets January 28

The Messiah vegetable gardening ministry, From Seed to Harvest, will have our first meeting of the year on Saturday, January 28 at 9:30 AM in the sanctuary at Hazel Dell campus. If you are planning or even thinking about growing veggies this year, please plan to attend. Everyone is welcome. If you would like to do some growing but don't have space ...

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Young Adult New Year celebration January 8

Young adults are invited to celebrate the New Year this Sunday, January 8th from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM! Pizza will be provided, but please bring a food item to share with the group. There will also be a White Elephant gift exchange, so please bring a gift (approximately $5 value) to swap. The gathering will be at 1017 NW 94th St. Vancouver, WA, 98...

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Can-Am Book group continues reading 'Seeing Gray in a Black and White World' January 4

The Can-Am Book group will continue reading Part III of "Seeing Gray in a Black and White World" by Adam Hamilton and will be meeting Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am via Zoom beginning January 4.  Contact is Julie Backous, 360-910-2022. 

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Chatter books begins new year Jan. 4 to discuss 'The Light Between Oceans'

The Chatter Books book group (formerly Pastor Kathy's book group) has been meeting continuously for the last nine years, maintaining contact via Zoom during the pandemic.  They have read nearly 100 books during their tenure from many different genres, which include the classics, mysteries, fiction and non fiction and have explored some of the ...

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Leah Gonzales joins Messiah staff

Leah Gonzalez is Messiah's new Administrative Assistant. She will be in the front office Monday - Thursday from 9am - Noon.  Please welcome Leah! 

  321 Hits

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