Messiah News

Call Committee Update

Dear Friends,

We are off and running with the Call Committee - and I'm excited to be moving into this phase of our congregational transition. Thank you all for your prayers, trust and support!

Wednesday evening, April 12, our Call Committee met together for the first time via ZOOM with SWWA Synod Bishop's Associate Rev. Rebecca Shjerven. I was able to be a mouse in the corner for this meeting, but the purpose was really Call Committee organization and training. Wow - what a conscientious and powerful team we have! Messiah will be well served. Vicki Taylor-Roskopf is chairing our Call Committee (thank you so much, Vicki) and will be communicating with you in the future about progress and next steps. For now let me just say the horses have left the starting gate and it's wonderful to see. 

Mark you calendar for Sunday, April 23. Our Bishop's Associate, Rebecca Shjerven, will be at Messiah and you won't want to miss her visit. Rebecca will be our guest preacher for both the 9:00 AM service at Windy Hills and our 10:30 AM Service at Hazel Dell. We will be installing our Call Committee this day so if you don't know the Team you'll get to see and hear from them then. We have also scheduled a conversation and Q & A time with Rebecca at 11:45 AM at Hazel Dell, following worship there. She will explain the call process to us in more depth and respond to questions and curiosities you might have.

Come and engage the process!

Keep a close eye on your Northern Highlights for Call Committee updates. Vicki has promised to be an active communicator as the Team goes about it's work. We want you involved and in the know!

Pr. Dave Brauer-Rieke

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