Upcoming Events

Potluck to follow Pr. Rebecca Shjerven visit at Messiah Feb. 25

Pr. Rebecca Shjerven from the synod office will be visiting and preaching at both Messiah locations on February 25. Following the 10:30am service at Messiah Hazel Dell there will be a potluck and opportunity dinner table discussion. All are invited to be a guest at the potluck and to join in welcome Pr. Rebecca as she takes time to visit. If you are able, please bring a food item to share for the potluck. Last Name A-G Salad H-N Dessert 0-Z Main Dish

  155 Hits

What?! Valentine's Day AND Ash Wednesday Together?

By a quirk of the calendar, Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday both fall on February 14 this year. At first blush they seem sort of incompatible to me.  According to Wikipedia, 'Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. It originated as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valenti... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Dave Brauer-Rieke)

  132 Hits

One Mile Mission requests for new alternative learning portable at Jason Lee and Columbia River High School Care Closet

The One Mile Mission at Messiah has requests to assist with two area schools this month: Jason Lee Middle School is in need of donations for its new alternative learning portable and the Columbia River High School Care Closet has need for many shelf-stable items. Donations may be brought to any worship service or items can be dropped off in the fro... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

  125 Hits

New Messiah website coming soon!

Messiah is excited to announce that it will soon be launching a revamped website for the church! After utilizing the same website design for the past decade, Messiah's website is getting a needed facelift, with a launch planned in the coming weeks. The new website will feature a brighter, more welcoming design, and make it easier for guests, member... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

  133 Hits

Ash Wednesday Services

  Messiah will have two services on Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of the season of Lent.  The first will be at 12pm at Messiah Hazel Dell to allow for guests to attend over lunchtime if they prefer to receive ashes during the day. The second will be at 6pm at Messiah Hazel Dell.  The 6pm services will be preceded by a soup supp... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

  140 Hits

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