Upcoming Events

Young Adults invited to celebrate the New Year January 7

All young adults are invited to get together after the holidays on Sunday, January 7 from 6-8pm for food, fellowship, and fun. We will catch up, play board games, and enjoy pizza and snacks together. This is a free event, but everyone is encouraged to bring a snack/side dish to share with the group. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Please meet at... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

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In person worship services cancelled January 14 due to inclement weather

Please click here for the link to the Zoom service» Due to hazardous winter weather conditions, Messiah is cancelling in0person worship  for Sunday January 14, 2024 at the Hazel Dell and Messiah North campuses.  Instead, an informal worship service will occur over Zoom at 10:30am. All are invited to participate.  Please click here fo... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

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MLK Day of Celebration for Kids and Youth Rescheduled to January 27

Update 1/22/24: This event has been rescheduled to January 27! Updated details below. Messiah is partnering with Majek NW to host a MLK Day Celebration for Kids and Youth on Monday, January 27 from 1pm-3pm The event is designed for kids and their family members to meet friends, learn about social justice themes, and build community. The theme for t... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

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Lent in Wonder: A program for children Wednesdays during Lent

Throughout the season of Lent, Wednesdays at Messiah will look a little different.  One of these changes is that our Wednesday children/youth programs are on a break until after Easter. In lieu of Godly Play, we are excited to offer a children's program that will allow kids an opportunity to engage with the season of Lent in a meaningful and creative way.All children ages 3 years old-5th grade are invited to participate in Messiah's  children's Lenten program: Lent in Wonder. This program is designed to be a fun and contemplative way to help kids get ready for Easter. Every week will be unique, and will contain a combination of Godly Play stories, other books and stories, arts and crafts, play time, and more.Lent in Wonder will take place on Wednesdays (February 21st - March 20th) from 4:30-5:15 pm in the Godly Play classroom #105 at Messiah Hazel Dell.  After signing out...

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Getting Ready for our new pastor

Sunday, February 25, 2024, Rev. Rebecca Shjerven from the SWWA Synod came down to be with us for worship and a potluck. Thank you to Pr. Rebecca for sure, but THANK YOU to all the great cooks. We had a wonderful meal!  It was great to have so many of us in conversation and just good fun together. Besides fellowship, part of the effort was to give us all a chance to talk about our developing hopes and dreams for the arrival of our new pastor. I promised the group a summary of what was said, and here it is. Participants ate their meal around 10 or 11 tables, each table with a variety of people so we weren't just talking to family members or our usual coffee clutch. We had time to discuss three major questions, and then we shared a little with the whole group about what ​our​ table had...

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