Upcoming Events

Treat Street Returns October 25

Treat Street is back Wednesday, October 25 from 6:00 - 7:00pm, beginning in the Sanctuary.  Children up to 5th grade are encouraged to come dressed in a non-spooky costume and bring a treat bag. There will be Trick-or-Treating, crafts, photo op, games and more!  Friends are welcome! A kid-friendly meal will be served in the lower level di...

  360 Hits

Gaza and Israel - Part 1

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Faith, Last week we included a link to ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton's pastoral letter on the escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. You may know that I served as bishop of the Oregon Synod for 12 years, from 2007-2019. Bishop Eaton was both a synodical bishop collogue and then my presiding bishop du...

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Endowment committee distributes over $7,000 in third quarter

The Endowment Committee meets every quarter to review grant proposals. The committee then recommends grants to the Church Leadership Team for approval and the funds are distributed accordingly.  This month the following requests were granted: $430 Granted to purchase additional, new, Food on the Fourth bags. $2200 Granted to purchase vacuum cl...

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Halloween Hop Topics October 26

HOP TOPICS will meet in the Church House on Thursday, October 26th at 7pm. Bring a favorite brew (witches?) and snacks will be provided. No costumes needed, but if you have a fun Halloween fact or Halloween story to share that would be splendid! How did a church-sanctioned holiday come so far afield? What is the meaning of ancient rites and what si...

  188 Hits

Last chance photo day for directory October 29

Have you had your picture taken for the new Messiah directory or submitted a photo for the directory? If so, good job! If not, no need to panic, you still have another chance! The last chance photo day for the directory will be before and after worship at Messiah Hazel Dell on October 29. If you haven't had a picture taken and the last chance date ...

  233 Hits

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