Messiah News

Latest Messiah Endowment Grants already in use

The most recent round of Endowment grants resulted in 4 grants given: Lenten service projects, future Mobile Children's Museum visit, matching dollars for the Fund for Leaders and lunches for the downtown Vancouver shelter 415 W 11th Street.

I'm sure many of you participated in the Lenten service projects. Thank you.

During consideration of the requested Fund for Leaders matching grant the amount was increased from the requested $1500 to $2000. The Endowment Committee had information that the initial grant amount had nearly been fulfilled. In an effort to encourage donations the committee recommended to the CLT that the amount be increased. We are happy to report that the total sent to the ELCA Fund for Leaders was $4100.

Monday Morning group has already scheduled 2 dates to provide lunches for the residents at the 415 W. 11th Street Safe Stay site. This shelter is transitional housing working to move residents into permanent housing and is proving a successful program. The lunches will be brown bag type with sandwich, fruit and a treat. The Monday Morning group will shop, assemble and deliver food for 25 people over 10 Mondays.

Lunches are packed for the Downtown Vancouver Safe Stay location as part of a Lenten Service project.
Children play in the Mobile Children's Museum as part of the MLK Day of Celebration event.
Helpers pack Easter Eggs for the Messiah Easter Egg hunt as part of a Lenten Service project.

The Mobile Children's Museum was a hit at the MLK celebration and they have other offerings. The grant funds will be used to provide the Mobile Children's Museum at a future event. For more information, please contact Tori Beavin.

You too can be an Endowment Fund recipient. For example, the 415 W 11th street shelter serves lunch and dinner each day to the 25 residents and you or your group could help provide those. Any idea that meets one of these areas is welcome for consideration by the Endowment Committee and approval by the CLT.

National and International Outreach, Ministries, and Missions (World Gospel mission feeding children, Messiah Mission trip support)
Local Community Outreach, Ministries and Missions (Winter clothing for local school children, emergency refugee fund, shut in member support)

Programs or capital improvements within MLC and outside the operating budget (Special lighting for Godly Play, smart screen for MLC education room)

The next grant round will be in June. The application is available on

-Janet Borst

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