Upcoming Events

Messiah looking for Easter candy and plastic egg donations for Easter Egg hunts

Lent is in full swing, and Easter Sunday will be here before we know it! We are collecting small, individually wrapped Easter candy that can fit into plastic Easter eggs.  Please ensure that all candy donations are nut-free and not processed in a facility that processes nuts.  Our supply of plastic Easter eggs has also depleted a bit over... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

  162 Hits

Discuss patron saints at the next Hop Topics March 19 at Heathen Brewing Feral Public House

The next Hop Topics will be March 19 at Heathen Brewing Feral Public House. Doors will open for the event at 5:30pm and discussion will begin at 6:30pm. Feral Public House is located at 1109 Washington St, Vancouver.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP to help give an accurate head count. RSVP here »For the March rendering of HOP TOPICS we wil... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

  183 Hits

From Seed to Harvest gardening group meets March 9 at Messiah Hazel Dell

From Seed To Harvest, the vegetable gardening group, will be holding a meeting on Saturday, March 9 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Hazel Dell campus. We will be having a guest speaker. Lori Wick is a certified Master Gardener with extensive experience in many facets of gardening. She will be teaching us about Mason bees. Mason bees are fantastic p... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

  151 Hits

Lenten Offerings - ELCA Fund for Leaders

It is our joy, privilege and choice during the season of Lent to direct our Wednesday evening offerings to some special project. While we won't be passing the plate on Ash Wednesday, nor during our Holden Vesper Evening Prayer services February 21-March 20, there will be an offering box available at the back during these services. You may also make special offerings online if you wish. Just designate them as such. At our congregational meeting last Sunday there was a question about "Why the shortage of younger pastors?" One reason is simply the cost of education. Back in my uncle's day (he went to seminary in the 1940s) the church paid all seminary related costs for future pastors. That is no longer the case. Now pastors, like other graduate level students, face significant education costs both for college and their four years or seminary education. Of course, students do have help. Many of...

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Pastors' Blog: How do we respond?

This coming Sunday, February 11, is known as the ​Sunday of the Transfiguration.​ Our Gospel Lesson is the story of a vision seen by three of Jesus' disciples - Peter, James and John. The vision was of Jesus transfigured into a glowing, bright white, luminous figure - appearing with the Old Testament prophet Elijah and Moses. Perhaps you know the story. You can read it in Mark 9:2-9. The disciples are confused by this vision. They don't know how to behave in the shadow of such an experience. I'm not sure I would have either. But what's most interest to me is the fact that having appeared, Moses and Elijah then ​dis​appear leaving only Jesus and his disciples. And then there is a voice from heaven, ​​"This my Son, the Beloved. Listen to him!"​​ All their lives these disciples have been taught to listen the Moses - the Law - and Elijah - the prophets. Now this! So this...

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