Messiah News


The CLT is beginning it's process of putting together Messiah's Call Committee, a significant group in the calling of a new pastor. This communication is designed to 1) Explain the process, 2) Allow members to volunteer for service, and 3) Outline the responsibilities of the call committee and the timeline they will follow.

1. How Does this Work?

The CLT (our Church Leadership Team) is responsible for appointing a team of 6 members of the congregation to serve as our Call Committee. Call Committee appointees must be active, Voting Members, of the congregation and we seek energetic leaders with a heart for Messiah, our mission, and the variety of people we serve. 

The CLT now begins a two week process of collecting names of potential Call Committee Members with the intention of meeting Tuesday, March 28, 2023, to formalize the team.

2. How Do I Volunteer?

As just stated, our constitution requires that Call Committee Members be active, voting members of the congregation. Beyond this, we seek individuals who have a heart for Messiah and its mission; who are engaged and understand some of the variety of our work and service; who - all together - represent the diversity of our members, ministries and those we serve; and who will engage in this work prayerfully, with passion and a willingness to give the work the time it deserves.

We anticipate that we will receive more volunteers then we will be able to seat on the team. If so, this will be a gift! Please do not hold back if you feel a call to service. The goal of the CLT will be to find the right balance of people among those who volunteer. Assuming we have more volunteers that spaces we won't be able to put everyone who might with to serve on the Committee. However, there will continue to be many avenues of service for you and your gifts as we move into a new chapter of Messiah's life!

If you wish to volunteer to serve on our Call Committee please do so by filling out THIS FORM. The form askes for basic contact information and includes a few question about you and your sense of call to this work. If you wish to nominate another, please talk with them and encourage them to fill out the form. You cannot do this for them. Thank you! (If you need help with this process simply call the church office and we'll be glad to assist.)

3. Call Committee Responsibilities and Commitments

Rev. Rebecca Shjerven is Assistant to the Bishop for our SWWA Synod. She helped orient the congregation at the beginning of our process last summer, and has continued to support and consult with our CLT, Ministry Site Profile Team and our interim pastors throughout the year. She will be with us (at both sites) for worship Sunday, April 23, and available after worship at Hazel Dell for conversation about next steps. She takes good care of us! A synodical 'job description' for Call Committees is AVAILABLE FOR YOUR REVIEW HERE

In short here is how the process works:

1. Shortly after our Call Committee is appointed, Rebecca will orient them to their work through a ZOOM training session. 

2. Based on our MSP the synod will give us names of pastors who fit our profile for consideration. Names of potential pastors can also come from congregation members through a process to be shared April 23.

3. The Call Committee will review RLP (Rostered Leader Profiles) for those pastors who names we have received and conduct a first round of interviews with those they consider appropriate. A face to face visit/interview may be arranged with a candidate(s) of particular interest. The congregation will be fully informed about progress in this process.

4. Eventually the Call Committee will recommend a candidate for call to the CLT which will review the recommendation and pass it on to the congregation as a whole for a vote as appropriate.

Please Remember: Rebecca will be with us Sunday, April 23 to explain this process more fully and answer any and all questions you may have!

Call Committee members can anticipate training and one or two organizing meetings in April

Names will begin to be given to us in early May. These names, and their accompanying paperwork, will remain confidential to begin with. Call Committee members will review paperwork individually and then meet as they deem appropriate to discuss the possibilities and conduct first round interviews.

Depending on progress and interest in the candidates received, a possible face to face interview will follow. Perhaps in June.

July/August meeting or the Congregation to extend a call might be possible, but the timeline is hard to predict. Call Committee members generally continue their service until a new pastor has accepted our call.

Thank you for your prayers, interest and participation in this process.

Pastor Dave Brauer-Rieke

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