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Pastor Dave's Book/Bible Study Schedule

Holy Week is a pause in the usual routine of our lives. Functionally it's a pause because our focus and time moves to the special services of the season - Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter!. Spiritually it is the same. I encourage you to set other things aside as much as possible and spend time internally focusing on what the death and resurrection of Jesus means to you. 

It will be my privilege and pleasure to join with you in the following conversations and studies after Easter.

Tuesday Mornings at 6 AM, beginning Tuesday April 18, our morning 'Book Group' is going to do a little Bible Study. We'll be considering together the Gospel Lessons for the coming Sundays. So, on the 18th come prepared to discuss Luke 24:13-25, often referred to as the "Walk to Emmaus" story. This is a ZOOM meeting group. Sign in at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88909770433?pwd=OGt4eUhLbHU4RUtrczJZY1Jsa3plQT09 (Please note there is no class April 4 or 11. We resume on the 18th.)

Wednesday Afternoons there is a face to face Bible Study at the Hazel Dell campus at 2 PM. This is also a Sunday Gospel Lesson centric study. This class resumes the week after Easter, April 12. Our focus will be John 20:19-31.

Confirmation Classes for youth, grades 6-8, also resumes Wednesday, April 12. This class meets at 6 PM parallel to our High School gathering. 

I look forward to reconnecting with everybody around study and conversation. This week, though, we gather mostly for worship. Blessed be!

Pr. Dave Brauer-Rieke

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