Winter Hospitality Overflow (W.H.O.) is a ministry to homeless people in the Vancouver area. A cooperative project of communities of faith and local service agencies, they provide welcome, shelter, hospitality, warm smiles, safety and meals during the coldest and wettest seasons of the year. In their seventeenth year, WHO offers shelter at both St....
A big thank you to everyone who took our survey and signed up for the new vegetable gardening ministry called From Seed to Harvest Enough people have signed up that we are going to move ahead with starting up this ministry. If you have an interest in growing vegetables at home, even if you've never done it before, it's not too late to let us know. ...
This weekend is Charles Reinmuth's last as part of the Messiah staff. Please join for worship on Sunday, Jan. 30 to bid farewell to Charles and pray for Charles and Katie as they move to St. Luke Lutheran Church in Spokane. Cards may be mailed to church or brought on Jan. 30.
The Church Leadership Team met with Pastor Rebecca Shjerven from the SWWA Synod on January 9 to discuss the transition process for Messiah's next pastors. We wanted to share this information with you. As Pastor Shjerven explained, the process consists of four phases, some of which will overlap. A Fulfilling FarewellThe first phase is "A Fulfilling ...
Current Messiah Preschool families may begin registering Feb. 7 in the church lobby. Previous Messiah Preschool families may begin registering Feb. 9. Open registration begins Feb. 10. See times and details below. The 2-page Registration Update Form is for those children currently enrolled at Messiah Preschool. Registering a sibling new to Mes...