Messiah News

March 2022 Food on the Fourth requests

March Food on the Fourth Requests

The items listed below are the items that are most needed at the Ridgefield Neighbors Helping Neighbors Food Bank.

  • Canned Fruits of all kinds
  • One can meals (chili with meat, ravioli, spaghettios, stew, pork-n-beans etc.)
  • Jams: strawberry, raspberry grape etc.
  • Baby wipes, diapers
  • Feminine hygiene products

Of course, any food items that you wish to donate are gratefully received.

Food bags are available throughout the month at the Food on the Fourth cupboard in the narthex, and the final date for the collection of food will be Sunday, March 27th. The sorting and distribution of the collected items will be on Monday, March 28th at 8:30 AM in the narthex, and anyone who is interested in helping is invited to attend!

In February, $1,958.00 was divided equally between the two food banks that we regularly serve. In addition, 505 pounds of food was given to the agency serving Afghan refugees and 128 pounds of food went to FISH. Thank you for your continued generous support of this ministry!

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