We are excited to announce that we've scheduled the first gathering of From Seed to Harvest, the new vegetable gardening ministry at Messiah. We will be meeting in person, in the sanctuary at the Hazel Dell campus on Saturday, March 5 at 9:30 AM. There will be plenty of room to spread out, and we will be wearing masks. The meeting will start prompt...
It's a tradition to give up something for Lent. How about adding something? Steve Holmberg—interim Worship Leader for Messiah North and former public school music educator—is offering Basic Accompaniment Guitar lessons from March 9 through May 4. An 8-week session of beginning Chording, Strumming, and Ensemble playing. Classes will be at the Hazel ...
Link to livestream for 3/23/22 service at 6:00p » During midweek evening Lenten worship, Pastors Peter and Kathy, and Pastoral Intern Katie will be presenting a sermon series entitled "Persistent Love. Inconsistent World." Offering on Wednesday evenings will go to ELCA's Lutheran Disaster Response fund which helps victims of the war.Make checks pay...
Session Topic: After Death PlanningEveryone welcome. Pre-registration is helpful, but not required. Pastoral Intern Katie Hendrikson has collaborated with local experts to create a three-part series that covers numerous topics surrounding end-of-life planning. Each session will be held at Messiah's Hazel Dell campus and will take place on Sundays a...
During midweek evening Lenten worship, Pastors Peter and Kathy, and Pastoral Intern Katie will be presenting a sermon series entitled "Persistent Love. Inconsistent World." The theme for this series revolves around the effects and experience of change. Topics will include: moving and relocationthe challenges of the pandemic on students, parents, an...