Upcoming Events

End-of-life planning series concludes this weekend - 05.01.22

Session Topic: After Death PlanningEveryone welcome. Pre-registration is helpful, but not required. Pastoral Intern Katie Hendrikson has collaborated with local experts to create a three-part series that covers numerous topics surrounding end-of-life planning. Each session will be held at Messiah's Hazel Dell campus and will take place on Sundays a...

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Persistent Love. Inconsistent World – Sermon Series for Wednesday Worship during Lent

During midweek evening Lenten worship, Pastors Peter and Kathy, and Pastoral Intern Katie will be presenting a sermon series entitled "Persistent Love. Inconsistent World." The theme for this series revolves around the effects and experience of change. Topics will include: moving and relocationthe challenges of the pandemic on students, parents, an...

  361 Hits

Lutheran World Relief Quilters spread warmth from the heart

by Janet Borst When natural disasters strike or war drives families from their homes, our hearts ache with compassion but often we don't know exactly how to help. Making Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts is a tangible way to express love to our neighbors in need. Quilts can be used as warm bedding, simple tents or floor coverings. Each one refle...

  403 Hits

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday services this week

Ash Wednesday Services at Messiah will be held March 2 at 10:30am and 6:00pm at the Hazel Dell campus (6:00pm worship in person and online). Link to online livestream of 6:00p service » (If you plan to worship online and would like some ashes to use during the worship, please stop by the church office or pick them up on Sunday.) What's it all about...

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Jubilee Collective donation drive for Martha's Pantry

Jubilee Collective is holding a donation drive to benefit Martha's Pantry. Requested items are socks and high efficiency detergent. The detergent must be High efficiency, or it will not be compatible with the laundry machines at Martha's Pantry. Donations for the drive can be dropped off anytime before February 27th at High Grounds Coffee at Higher...

  380 Hits

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