This Sunday - Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024 - we will once again hear the story of Jesus being raised from the dead. What a glorious story! And what a troubling story, perhaps. So let me get this straight. Some guy, Jesus, executed by the Roman Empire in the first century on trumped up charges . . . (I get that part. Same old, same old.)...
All are welcome to join in celebrating Easter at Messiah, March 31, 2024. Messiah will have three services on Easter morning as well Easter Egg hunts at both campuses. Maundy Thursday, March 28 6:00pm-Messiah Hazel Dell Livestream link » Good Friday, March 29 10:30am, 6:00pm-Messiah Hazel Dell. 6:00pm livestream link » Easter Sunday, Ma...
The Endowment Committee met March 22 and decided to allocate $2000 to match whatever the congregation gives to the Fund for Leaders. Fund for Leaders is money being collected at the Wednesday Lenten services and also the services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This money is used to help fund students at ELCA seminaries. The ELCA is terribly s...
It will be a gift to be back in worship this Sunday, January 21, 2024, and - finally - be free of icy streets. (He said hopefully!!) This Sunday's Gospel Lesson is Mark 1:14-20. You my know this text for its familiar "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." statement. Midweek Bible Study was snowed out, but if we had met we would have talked...
The One Mile Mission at Messiah has requests to assist with two area schools this month: Jason Lee Middle School is in need of donations for its new alternative learning portable and the Columbia River High School Care Closet has need for many shelf-stable items. Donations may be brought to any worship service or items can be dropped off in the fro...