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Messiah approves call of new Pastors

Thank you to all our voting members who attended the special Call Vote Meeting held after services at the Hazel Dell campus on Sunday, June 23. 

We had almost unanimous approval of the Call Letters and the Definition of Compensation forms prepared for Robyn Kistemaker and David Hively. 

Those documents have been signed by our leadership team President, Brenda Gardner, and Secretary, Sheri Backous, and sent to our synod bishop for his additional signature. 

The documents will then be forwarded to Pastors David and Robyn for their signatures. We did phone them after the vote meeting, and they plan to sign the documents and return them as soon as possible. 

They are just as excited as we are to begin this new relationship.

CLT President Brenda Gardner (left) and Call Committee Chair Vicki Taylor-Roskopf call Pastors David and Robyn with the news.
The congregation applauds after the approval of the call letters.

Our new pastoral couple will officially start on August 1.

However, we have asked them not to report in for the first few weeks. They will need some time to get settled after a cross country move. They are delighted they will be able to get here before school starts, and we are fortunate to have Pastor Tom available to cover during most of August. Everything seems to be working out according to God's plan. It was hard to discern at times, but thanks to our dedicated and talented call committee and our excellent interim pastors AND STAFF, we have almost made it.

The next big task will be getting the church house ready for our new pastoral family to use for a couple years while they prepare to buy a home in our area. There are furnishings and other large items to remove from the church house, and some cleaning and sprucing up are needed as well. Please stay tuned for more information. We anticipate some "work party" days at the church house will be on the calendar soon.

If anyone would like to help spearhead the effort, please contact Brenda Gardner at 360-601–9258 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

-Church Leadership Team President Brenda Gardner

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