Upcoming Events


Greg was recently invited by the Church Leadership Team and pastors to serve in a consultative role with the team and congregation. That's how I've been feeling for 5 months. On January 22 my wife and I left China for a 2-week vacation. We haven't been back since. A storm the size and shape of the coronavirus tore...

  925 Hits

Return to In-Person Worship Survey

You are invited to complete a one-minute online survey that will assist the pastoral and Church Leadership Teams in planning for in-person worship once health professionals determine that it is safe to reopen using guidelines from state and local officials. There are only six easy to respond to prompts. One survey per household, please. t...

  1123 Hits

Reflections on Seeds by Janet Borst

Janet leads the team responsible for distributing the congregation's benevolence money in the form of grants. They see their work as "planting seeds." Here, Janet puts an interesting spin on this springtime process. - Pr. Peter It's spring, and like all would-be gardeners, I've purchased my seed packets with thoughts of a bountiful harvest. I have,...

  952 Hits

Responding to the COVID-19 Economy: Thoughts on stewardship and generosity by Doug Ruecker

A number of things have revealed themselves during the COVID-19 crisis.One is a seemingly friendlier disposition of people. Have you noticed, while walking the neighborhood or the infrequent visit to the grocery store, how people are so much more courteous and friendly? A smile, a warm hello, while keeping a comfortable distance, goes a long ways i...

  873 Hits

The Cancel Culture of Coronavirus and Our Care for Each Other

... let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. – Hebrews 10:24-25 Cancellations are happening everywhere—March Madness, the NBA, public schools, airline flights. Last night Governor Inslee&n...

  818 Hits

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