Upcoming Events

Good Friday Observance at Messiah. Why is it 'good'?

On Good Friday, we stand in awe of the depth of God's love for each one of us. As you contemplate Christ's sacrifice today, the pastoral team invites you to observe Good Friday worship at Messiah. There are three opportunities. In-person worship at 10:00a at the Hazel Dell campus sanctuary. Seating is by reservation only.Click here to get the ...

  663 Hits

Thanks to Compassionate Callers

by Julie Bracken, Compassion Caller Coordinator.  For the last year, over 40 members of Messiah have been involved in the Compassionate Caller ministry. These caring individuals have each called ten households regularly to keep the connections to Messiah strong. The callers asked for prayer requests and made sure that the households' physical ...

  480 Hits

Ash Wednesday services this Feb. 17 at 10a and 6p. What's it all about?

Direct link to the 10a livestream service »   Direct link to the 6p livestream service »  What is Ash Wednesday?This holiday (holy day) has been observed by Christians for over one thousand years. Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the season of Lent (40 days before Easter). Why ashes? Why a cross?For centuries, ashes have symboliz...

  747 Hits

Messiah Preschool is Reopening with In-Person Classes January 19

Thank you so much for completing the Parent Feedback Forms and for sharing your thoughts regarding a return to in-person preschool. The majority of you expressed an interest in returning to the classroom in January. Both the Preschool Advisory Board and the church's leadership have reviewed the parent feedback as well as the preschool's reopening p...

  569 Hits

A post-election blog from Bishop Rick Jaech - "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" - Mt.5:9

Bp. Jaech leads the Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA of which Messiah is a member congregation. |  I am writing this letter on November 5, two days after the elections. Some election results are known and some are still pending. My purpose in writing is not to mourn or celebrate any of the results. Rather, I would like to th...

  979 Hits

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