Messiah News

Messiah’s pastoral transition process begins - a report from the CLT about its first meeting
with the Bishop’s office

The Church Leadership Team met with Pastor Rebecca Shjerven from the SWWA Synod on January 9 to discuss the transition process for Messiah's next pastors. We wanted to share this information with you. As Pastor Shjerven explained, the process consists of four phases, some of which will overlap. A Fulfilling FarewellThe first phase is "A Fulfilling ...

  1235 Hits

Messiah North will Reopen on May 16

Hazel Dell Campus Service time will move to 9:00a  by Julie Backous, Messiah North Site Coordinator   Hello Messiah North family ... and all of Messiah congregation! I have waited so long for this day! Who knew that it would be a year before we would be able to meet again! But finally, here we are. MESSIAH NORTH WILL BEGIN WORSH...

  1156 Hits

Meet Katie Hendrikson, Messiah's Pastoral Intern for 2021-22 from Luther Seminary

Katie's will be a culminating internship, which means she will be a candidate for a Call to serve a congregation immediately after her internship year.    Greetings from the Midwest! I am so excited to embark on a new adventure to the Pacific Northwest and spend the year with your congregation!I am a born and...

  1568 Hits

Thanks to Compassionate Callers

by Julie Bracken, Compassion Caller Coordinator.  For the last year, over 40 members of Messiah have been involved in the Compassionate Caller ministry. These caring individuals have each called ten households regularly to keep the connections to Messiah strong. The callers asked for prayer requests and made sure that the households' physical ...

  488 Hits

A post-election blog from Bishop Rick Jaech - "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God" - Mt.5:9

Bp. Jaech leads the Southwestern Washington Synod of the ELCA of which Messiah is a member congregation. |  I am writing this letter on November 5, two days after the elections. Some election results are known and some are still pending. My purpose in writing is not to mourn or celebrate any of the results. Rather, I would like to th...

  989 Hits

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