Upcoming Events

The Ongoing Reformation

October 9 - "Storied Water" (Baptism) in which we died to this dysfunctional social matrix and were reborn in the faith, committed to the "Creation Community" spoken into life by God.October 16 - The story itself, written, spoken and walking among us in he person of Jesus Christ. October 23 - Of wheat and wine, feasting on bread made by our co...

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Vegetable gardening ministry meets October 29

From Seed to Harvest (the vegetable gardening ministry), will be meeting on Saturday, October 29 at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall at Hazel Dell. The meeting will conclude at 11 AM. This gathering is open to anyone. If you'd like to learn more about growing veggies at home or contribute some of your knowledge to others, we'd love to see you. Believ...

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Can-Am Small Group reads "Seeing Gray in a Black and White World"

The Can-Am Small Group is starting a new book after our summer study of "Wholehearted Faith" by Rachel Held Evans.New Book Study: "Seeing Gray in a Black and White World: Thoughts on Religion, Morality and Politics " by Adam Hamilton.When: Every Wednesday at 1:00 pm1.5 hours (Zoom only)Can-Am Small Group(Canada-America Group) with our friends from ...

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Messiah's Confirmation Program

My thanks to Ben McCarty, Messiah's Digital Media Coordinator, for helping me with posts about what's going on at church. AND, of course, keeping the website up, getting the Northern Highlights out, etc. One of my more joyful duties as one of your interim pastors is to teach confirmation. Our program is a three year program with rotating emphases. ...

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Of Wine and Wheat

Holy Communion - The Eucharist (Thanksgiving!) - is a sacrament of the Christian faith. We receive it with joy and awe. Yet, it is a mistake to separate the sacrament from the choices of everyday life. This Sunday we will read Isaiah 25:6-8 and 1 Cor 11:17-34. These texts speak to blessing and responsibility. Give them a looksie before worship...

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