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Notice to Members of the Congregation on vote for revising constitution

Notice to Members of the Congregation:

The ELCA, in Churchwide Assembly, has approved revisions to the constitution of the Church. Messiah Lutheran Church has our Annual Meeting called for February 5, 2023, during which we will need to vote on revising our constitution to conform to that of the Southwestern Washington Synod.

Link to constitution as reviewed by Synod 12.28.22 »

Generally, these changes being made throughout the Church so as to:

  • be more inclusive in our mission statement,
  • allow for a new classification of membership,
  • restate the role of the pastor,
  • allow for electronic meetings, indemnification of officers and employees, and
  • allow for congregations to form a parish, along with other minor changes.

In order to conform to these revisions, the Church Leadership Team of Messiah has directed and prepared revisions to our constitution. These revisions have now been reviewed by the Synod, as required by our constitution, and have been found to be acceptable.

For your convenience, we have highlighted in red text areas that have been changed, and have made the entire proposed revised constitution available for your review.

In accordance with the provisions of our constitution, we must make revisions available to you 30 days prior to a vote to approve changes. We plan to ask for your vote of approval during our Annual Meeting.

Thank you for considering these changes.

Rob Ramer

CLT President

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