Messiah News

Pie Fest returns after Thanksgiving Eve Worship November 23

Annual favorite Pie Fest returns to Messiah after a two year hiatus after Thanksgiving Eve Worship on November 23. Thanksgiving Eve worship will be at Messiah Hazel Dell at 6pm. After worship, join in for Pie Fest and sample some delicious pies! If you are able to bring a pie for the pie fest, please bring it pre-cut to the lower level kitchen of t...

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Can Wealth be held in Holy Hands?

If you have been following along the storyline from Messiah Lutheran this autumn you have been hearing a couple of reoccurring themes.First, in September Pastor Dave had the challenge of preaching on parables in Luke about rich guys.What is the challenge about rich people?Jesus seemed to frown upon wealth and we are among the richest people on eart...

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Staffing change in Messiah's front office

Maria Kramer will continue in her role as Director of Worship and Music, but she has resigned her role as Administrative Assistant.  Messiah is thankful to Maria and also thankful we will continue to see her around.  For the time being when you call the church office or stop in, you will see a friendly Messiah volunteer. 

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Stewardship 2023: The Power of Wealth in Holy Hands

You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth; that He may confirm His covenant, which He swore to your fathers, as at this day.  Deuteronomy 8:18 In Holy Hands During the last few weeks, we have been discussing the power God gives us through Word and Sacrament. Simple elements like water, bread, and wine...

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Messiah staff, leadership, gather to develop "road map"

Messiah staff and leadership met October 29 for a retreat to help guide the process of moving the congregation toward a new pastor. Pastor Dave facilitated the meeting and provided thought provoking exercises to help participants gain an understanding of what the congregation could be feeling during this time of change and to help chart the path fo...

  271 Hits

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