Upcoming Events

Bible Study with Pr. Dave begins January 25 at 2pm

Happy New Year!! 2023 would be a great year to invest in some noggin nuddlin' with Pr. Dave!! Face to Face Bible Study - Yea!!This past Fall we had a second, virtual, book group that paralleled our Tuesday Study. This group met Wednesday mornings. However, this study used to be Face to Face, and a Bible Study to boot. So, we're returning ...

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Come and See!

Our Gospel Lesson for this Sunday, January 15, 2023, is John 1:29-42.  This is John's version of the baptism of Jesus and it is quite different than the one I preached on last Sunday, Matthew 3:13-17. What is the same, though, is that the story focuses on proclamation of who Jesus is as opposed to Jesus' personal experience of being claimed by...

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New website launches for Messiah Preschool

Messiah Preschool has had many things over the years. Support from the congregation, amazing students, caring staff. What it hasn't had is its own stand-alone website. Until now. Messiahpreschoolvancouver.org launched last week, giving the preschool its first stand-alone web presence since its founding. The new website will be the home for all info...

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Messiah hosts Godly Play training January 27-28

Messiah is excited to be hosting a Godly Play training at Messiah this January! This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who is interested in learning about Godly Play, regardless of your experience and familiarity with the program. As Messiah prepares to reboot the Godly Play program in the near future, there will be many volunteer opportunities...

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Endowment Committee disperses all funds for 2022

Endowment Committee Grant Request for last Fall The Endowment Committee met Dec 4 and considered the requests that had been received. The following were approved by the committee and then were also approved by the CLT. $4000 will be sent to Compassion International which will provide food for 80 families for one month overseas. Because fair trade c...

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