Jason Lee Middle School is opening a calming/focusing room for students and is in need of some items for the room. They may be dropped off at the church office during business hours or brought to any worship service. Contact Jessica Potts (
This coming Sunday, June 4, is the Sunday of the Holy Trinity. Join us for worship as your favorite 'church self' and we'll talk about the masks we wear and the various ways (count 'em - three) that God shows up for us. Fun, fun, fun. This Sunday is also graduate Sunday so at Hazel Dell we'll have some of this year's graduates joinin...
My wife Gretchen and I live in a co-housing condominium. There are 39 of us, 55+, living in intentional community. You'll not be surprised to hear that we've been having the same kinds of COVID conversations Messiah Lutheran has been having over the past three years. Gretchen, with her Masters Degree in Nursing, has been an active and interest...
The human brain is an amazing machine. Our eyes receive images, our ears sounds, our skin touch. Then, all of this input runs along highways called nerves. It flies from synapse to synapse and is compared to other information in vast, organic data banks. All of this happens with the goal of answering just one question....
Messiah is excited to kick off Wild Wednesdays starting May 31! Wild Wednesdays will be held on Wednesday morning from 9:30-11am in two different 3-week series during the summer (see schedule below). Each Wednesday will look a little different, but will include a combination of Bible stories, music/art, snack, and time to run and play! Please...