Messiah News

A thank you from Columbia River High School for Care Closet support

Dear Messiah Family,  For the last ten years I have substituted at Columbia River High School as an administrator.  This affords me the opportunity to work with them and their Food Pantry and Clothes Closet. Our Messiah family has always played an integral role in this operation. We provide them with family gift cards for Thanksgiving and... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

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Dave Moore to retire March 31

Dave Moore, Messiah's Facility Coordinator, will be retiring from his role on staff on March 31, 2024.  We are so thankful to Dave for his years of dedication. Watch for an upcoming announcement about how we will celebrate his time on staff.  If you or someone you know is interested in this kind of role, please talk with Jessica Potts.&nb... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

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From Seed to Harvest gardening group meets March 9 at Messiah Hazel Dell

From Seed To Harvest, the vegetable gardening group, will be holding a meeting on Saturday, March 9 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Hazel Dell campus. We will be having a guest speaker. Lori Wick is a certified Master Gardener with extensive experience in many facets of gardening. She will be teaching us about Mason bees. Mason bees are fantastic p... Original author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Ben McCarty)

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Lent in Wonder: A program for children Wednesdays during Lent

Throughout the season of Lent, Wednesdays at Messiah will look a little different.  One of these changes is that our Wednesday children/youth programs are on a break until after Easter. In lieu of Godly Play, we are excited to offer a children's program that will allow kids an opportunity to engage with the season of Lent in a meaningful and creative way.All children ages 3 years old-5th grade are invited to participate in Messiah's  children's Lenten program: Lent in Wonder. This program is designed to be a fun and contemplative way to help kids get ready for Easter. Every week will be unique, and will contain a combination of Godly Play stories, other books and stories, arts and crafts, play time, and more.Lent in Wonder will take place on Wednesdays (February 21st - March 20th) from 4:30-5:15 pm in the Godly Play classroom #105 at Messiah Hazel Dell.  After signing out...

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Potluck to follow Pr. Rebecca Shjerven visit at Messiah Feb. 25

Pr. Rebecca Shjerven from the synod office will be visiting and preaching at both Messiah locations on February 25. Following the 10:30am service at Messiah Hazel Dell there will be a potluck and opportunity dinner table discussion. All are invited to be a guest at the potluck and to join in welcome Pr. Rebecca as she takes time to visit. If you are able, please bring a food item to share for the potluck. Last Name A-G Salad H-N Dessert 0-Z Main Dish

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