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Pastors' Blog: Is God our Heavenly Mother?

This coming Sunday, May 12, 2024, is Mother's Day. The gift of life our mothers have given us; the journey of pregnancy and carrying an alien - yet integral - "other" within one's body; the experiences of miscarriages and loss of one's child even before a birth; the bond that is unique to mother and child once born; these are th...

  706 Hits

Soapbox Night at Hop Topics May 21

Soapbox Night at Hop Topics "The meaning of Soapbox is an improvised platform, spontaneous or informal orator; broadly - something that provides an outlet for delivering opinions." For our May 21 gathering of Hop Topics we will invite you to get up and expound on anything you choose for a minute or five (no longer). What is on your mind? What have ...

  404 Hits

Pastors' blog: Revisiting the April 28 sermon

Dear Friends, Thank you for wrestling with me about the implications of Sunday's Bible Lesson on the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch. Several people asked me for a copy of the sermon. So, you can view the sermon any time at https://www.youtube.com/live/wlGjvkBTRPk?si=9v06SVpk43crDtb6  (Thank you to our hard working crew in the video booth who ...

  439 Hits

Newcomers lunch May 19

Have you visited Messiah and would like to know more about the church? On May 19, after the service at Hazel Dell, you are invited to join Pastor Dave for a light lunch and a question and answer time. If you have visited either Messiah North or Hazel Dell, and you have questions about the mission or ministries of Messiah, you are invited to join in...

  670 Hits

Important updates on Gift Acceptance Policy and Endowment Fund resolution amendment for June 2, 2024 Bi-annual meeting.

Dear Messiah, We will be having the Bi-annual meeting of the congregation on Sunday June 2, 2024. This letter is to notify you of two items on the agenda of that meeting. New Gift Acceptance Policy Your Church Leadership Team (CLT) recently approved a new Gift Acceptance Policy as a Continuing Resolution of the congregation. Prior to this approval,...

  559 Hits

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