Upcoming Events

Making the Resurrection Real

This Sunday - Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024 - we will once again hear the story of Jesus being raised from the dead. What a glorious story! And what a troubling story, perhaps.  So let me get this straight. Some guy, Jesus, executed by the Roman Empire in the first century on trumped up charges . . . (I get that part. Same old, same old.)...

  461 Hits

Endowment Committee matches congregation giving to ELCA Fund for Leaders

The Endowment Committee met March 22 and decided to allocate $2000 to match whatever the congregation gives to the Fund for Leaders. Fund for Leaders is money being collected at the Wednesday Lenten services and also the services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This money is used to help fund students at ELCA seminaries. The ELCA is terribly s...

  382 Hits

Holy Week Day by Day

Mark is my favorite Gospel. It's energetic, approachable, clear, and, and, and - but that's just me. Fortunately for me, though, this year has been the "Year of Mark" for us in worship. Our style of worship rotates through three years, one each telling the story of Jesus through the eyes of Matthew, Mark and Luke respectively. The Gospel of John doesn't get it's own year because it doesn't really tell a chronological story of Jesus like the other three. So, we sprinkle in a little John here and there every year just so he doesn't feel unloved. (But I digress.) My point is that this has been the year of Mark. Mark is especially clear about the last week of Jesus' life, what we call Holy Week. This Sunday, March 24, we begin the Holy Week journey. As we read the story, though, we discover that each writer seems to emphasizes something different in their...

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Easter and Holy Week at Messiah 2024

All are welcome to join in celebrating Easter at Messiah, March 31, 2024.  Messiah will have three services on Easter morning as well Easter Egg hunts at both campuses.  Maundy Thursday, March 28 6:00pm-Messiah Hazel Dell Livestream link » Good Friday, March 29 10:30am, 6:00pm-Messiah Hazel Dell. 6:00pm livestream link » Easter Sunday, Ma...

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Call Committee Update-March 2024

Since the update provided at the annual meeting, the Call Committee has received 4 additional Rostered Minister Profiles (RMP) to consider. We have conducted initial interviews with all 4 of the candidates. We conducted a second onsite interview with one of the candidates. That candidate withdrew from consideration as they felt they needed more time to discern what God has planned for them next. One of the candidates we talked with was very gifted but has not yet served as a solo or lead pastor. As a result, we decided to continue our conversation with the other two candidates. Both have an impressive depth and breadth of experience and have served as a solo pastor of a congregation. We have invited both candidates to a second interview. Our preference is an in-person conversation over a zoom discussion, but we recognize this is a difficult time of the year to travel for...

  303 Hits

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