Upcoming Events

Messiah approves call of new Pastors

Thank you to all our voting members who attended the special Call Vote Meeting held after services at the Hazel Dell campus on Sunday, June 23.  We had almost unanimous approval of the Call Letters and the Definition of Compensation forms prepared for Robyn Kistemaker and David Hively.  Those documents have been signed by our leadership t...

  976 Hits

Endowment Committee grants four requests

In the second quarter, the Endowment Committee granted four requests from the money earned on the Endowment Fund: - Two "easy access chairs" (tall chairs) will be ordered that match the ones already in the sanctuary. The four we currently have are not enough for those who need them. - The Messiah Quilters received money to purchase batting for quil...

  575 Hits

Hop Topics for July- Patriotism and the flag

As I am writing this the nation is celebrating the annual recognition of Flag Day, our preeminent emblem of national pride. "The American flag is a symbol of courage, strength, freedom, and democracy," said the American Legion National Commander Daniel Seehafer in a statement to national news. There is, of course, a whole code of respect and proper...

  686 Hits

Plan to be at Messiah June 23 for Call Vote

Our pastoral candidates, were at the Hazel Dell campus for an informal "Meet and Greet" on June 13.  Many of you were able to make it, and I think everyone left feeling pleased and optimistic about our candidates! They made a point of visiting with folks at each table during the potluck.  There was so much food! Thank you all. After NOT e...

  625 Hits

Outdoor music night at Messiah July 17 at 7pm

Join in a celebration of song and scripture in the Messiah church courtyard this summer! All are welcome to ring your voices, guitars, ukuleles,hand percussion, or anything else you can play. Bring your family, friends and neighbors, the whole community is invited! Each music night begins at 7pm in the church courtyard at Messiah Hazel Dell, 905 NW...

  558 Hits

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