Messiah News

Reflect on your 'Star Word' for worship January 5

This Sunday we will hear about the Epiphany of our Lord to the nations. In the story of the Magi we hear of Christmas reaching out into the world outside of Israel to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. You will also receive a "Star Word." If you worship with us from home you can use this link to find your word. You are invited to reflect on that ...

  240 Hits

Pastors' Blog: Children's message starts Aug. 18, Pastors preaching on favorite scripture passages in September

There will now be a children's message offered at both campuses following the Scripture readings. Pastor Robyn has brought her children's message bag with her and is excited to share this tradition with the youth at Hazel Dell and North campuses.  Each week one of the youth will be invited to take the bag home with them and bring it back the f...

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