Upcoming Events

Supporting New Pastors

As you may already know, our Lenten Offerings this year go to the ELCA Fund for Leaders. (By Lenten Offerings we mean those specially designated for The Fund.) What you may not know is that a request has been made to Messiah's Endowment Fund to match your gifts, up to $1,500 total, for this worthy cause.

If you missed worship this past Sunday, March 10, 2024, you also missed a short, video shot just for us by ELCA Fund for Leaders Director Rev. Marissa Krey. You can view it here if you wish. We also have a few brochures and other information at church.

If you wish to support the fund you can do so with cash or a check, (there is a gifting box at the back of the sanctuary during our Wednesday Holden Evening Prayer services,) or you can give online in your usual manner. (You may also, of course, give directly to the ELCA Fund for Leaders directly through the  ELCA website. However, we will not be able to match or record direct donations.)

Thank you for your prayers and financial support of future pastors for the Church!

Pr. Dave Brauer-Rieke 

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