To register (and you must to attend), click here. To download and read the 2019-20 Report of the Congregation, which includes the meeting agenda, spellbinding ministry reports, and the proposed 2020-21 operating budget, click here. We continue to adapt and consider ways in which we can creatively do ministry during this pandemic season. ...
The life-changing magic of thoughtful post-pandemic living. One-time-only on Thursday, May 14, 2020 7:00-8:30p (you may arrive as early as 6:00p) RSVP registration required. Click here to register. Synopsis Marie Kondo popularized the idea of keeping only those things that bring you joy and getting rid of the rest. We've los...
by Joyce Handran, Messiah Preschool Director | "We miss you and want you to know how much you are loved!" This is the message the preschool team hopes all Messiah preschool students and families hear loud and clear. We at Messiah Preschool believe that the best learning methods for preschoolers are play-based and experiential. S...
Dear Children and Families of Messiah, I hope you are all managing well as you read this. This is an interesting time and with that comes many prayers for there are so many feelings that come from this unforeseen situation. I am praying for you all and for all the people around the globe as this effects everyone. With these prayers comes hope...
by Pastoral Intern Taran Denning | Ministry is still happening at Messiah! We have established a network/web/phone-tree outreach ministry to reach out to households who may have physical or spiritual needs at this time. Volunteers reach out through a compassionate phone call to all of Messiah's households each&n...