Messiah News

Messiah Preschool delays in-person instruction for fall 2020

by Joyce Handran, Messiah Preschool Director | Hello Messiah Preschool Families, We hope the summer is treating you well and you are enjoying the beautiful weather we have been experiencing these last few weeks. On July 22, Messiah Preschool released its plan to open in September with in-person preschool. Since then, eight Clark County sc...

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Drive-through Farewell for Intern Pr. Taran following worship this Sunday, 08.16.20

As part of the live stream of worship on Taran's final Sunday service this weekend, we will include a farewell recognition and liturgy. Taran will preach his swan song sermon that day. You don't want to miss it at 10:00a. The farewell portion of the service will include a message from his internship committee, reflections from Pr. Peter, ...

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Farewell celebration for Intern Pr. Taran on Sunday, August 16. There's still time left to send in your video or written remembrances for the service!

DEADLINE to submit a written or video remembrance for the farewell service to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. extended to Tuesday, August 12, at midnight. Does it seem like it's been a year already? Hardly. But it has been, and we're not about to let a pandemic dampen our spirits. Soon we will celebrate and thank Taran f...

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New Adult Study on the Book of Acts

Tuesdays at 6:00a | Wednesdays at 7:00p | Facilitated by Pastoral Intern Taran & Pr. Peter | 6-session study via Zoom    The Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast Group and Wednesday Adult Class are beginning a study of the Book of Acts using a newly published text by Dr. Matthew Skinner, professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary. The ...

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Live Godly Play® offered during Sunday Worship - Zoom doors open at 9:45a

UPDATE 07.30.2020 - Sunday morning Godly Play® is in a four-week break. Megan and Liz will return Sunday, August 30.   UPDATE 07.18.2020 - In addition to a library of video recorded Godly Play® lessons, Megan and Liz Bailey are providing a live, interactive session via Zoom contemporaneous with Messiah's live stre...

  767 Hits

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