Messiah News

Join the Synod Virtual Choir for the SWWA Synod Service of Lessons and Carols

We invite you to join with members of churches from around our Synod who will sing "Joy to the World" together. This will be the closing hymn of a Lessons and Carols Service that is being created by a group of Synod pastors, deacons and musicians. Each person will record themself singing "Joys to the World" in their own home. Then, Sam Solano, who is Music Director at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Vancouver WA, will edit those voices together into a choir. We invite you to sing and ask others from your congregation to sing as well. The videos are due back to Sam by December 5th.

Here are directions for how to do this:

Sam Solano has put together a base song track for Joy to the World, for Synod congregational involvement in the Lessons and Carols service. Included are instructions for recording and sending video clips. These can be found in the google drive folder linked below. It should be available to anyone with the forwarded link.

If folks have questions, they can reach out to Sam directly: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If anyone has trouble accessing the google folder, they can also get in touch with Sam, and he'll send out a direct link.

Sam needs the videos back by midnight of December 5th to give him enough time to build the final choral video. I'm excited to have members from around the Synod join in this song of joy!!

Google Drive with instructions and base track for Joy to the World in the following Google drive:

Here's the file contain the recording, .pdf of the music and instruction on how to make a video. Please let me know if the synod needs anything else. 

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