Upcoming Events

Bonhoeffer Expert to visit Prayer Breakfast Group this Tuesday - 04.21.2020

The Rev. Dr. Mark Brocker will be the guest presenter for the Tuesday Morning Prayer Breakfast group on April 21 at 6:00am via Zoom. He will lead a conversation on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship. Brocker is an expert on Bonhoeffer and his works. He earned his Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Chicago Divinity School. He ...

  728 Hits

An Easter Invitation to Party

gather balloons, confetti, streamers, cake, mimosas, whatever you need to party | decorate to your heart's content | have wine and bread ready for Communion email us photos of your celebration to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will show them during the livestream of worship! The most stunning thing happened one Sunday...

  948 Hits

Palm Pictures for the Pews on Easter

COVID-19 has required us to do ministry in new and creative ways. This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Palm processionals with everyone waving leaves together is a special moment that begins Holy Week. This year, we are not able to wave our traditional leafy palms. However, each of you have been given by God two fleshy palms - one on each hand! We are invit...

  885 Hits

The Triduum Project

3 days | 54 hours | 1 stream  Pastor Lenny and a few dozen of his closest friends have been invited to be part of a 60-hour online vigil for the Three Days called the Tridium traditionally in the church. Each hour will feature a pastor, worship leader, artist, or writer presenting whatever is on their hearts to hold vigil on this Holy Week unl...

  876 Hits

Home preparation for Good Friday Observance at 6:00p

Today as we observe the Holy Day of Good Friday, we stand in awe of the depth of God's love for each one of us. As you contemplate Christ's sacrifice today, the Pastoral team and Charles invite you to watch Messiah's worship for Good Friday Worship, which reflects upon Stations of the Cross. Below are some helpful instructions for your preparation ...

  1355 Hits

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