Upcoming Events

Jubilee Collective donation drive for Martha's Pantry

Jubilee Collective is holding a donation drive to benefit Martha's Pantry. Requested items are socks and high efficiency detergent. The detergent must be High efficiency, or it will not be compatible with the laundry machines at Martha's Pantry. Donations for the drive can be dropped off anytime before February 27th at High Grounds Coffee at Higher...

  381 Hits

Rice, Beans and Tears: An update on Messiah’s latest mission to feed people

Rice, Beans and Tears An update on Messiah's latest mission to feed people It was a damp Thursday in mid-January and Jim and Dianne Dawson volunteered to deliver food and hygiene supplies to several Afghan families who were temporarily housed at a local long stay hotel. I'd let Jim know that there would be 6 different deliveries and he wisely asked...

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No Cure for Being Human: A multi-week study of Kate Bowler's book that considers the question "How do you move forward with a life you didn't choose?"

Led by Intern Pr. Katie and Pr. Peter  via Zoom Tuesdays at 6am (PT) Via Zoom Wednesdays at 10am (PT)  Intern Pastor Katie and Pr. Peter invite you to participate in reading, listening, and conversation surrounding the life approach of Kate Bowler when her world has seemingly turned upside down. Bowler is a historian and professor at...

  1085 Hits

Winter Hospitality Overflow seeks volunteers

Winter Hospitality Overflow (W.H.O.) is a ministry to homeless people in the Vancouver area. A cooperative project of communities of faith and local service agencies, they provide welcome, shelter, hospitality, warm smiles, safety and meals during the coldest and wettest seasons of the year. In their seventeenth year, WHO offers shelter at both St....

  345 Hits

Endowment committee grant requests due February 15

Last year, the Endowment Committee dispersed around $34,000 for many different projects and needs. This amount was actually money from TWO years, instead of one, since nothing was dispersed during the height of the Pandemic. As we move into 2022, it is important for folks to realize that we will have a much smaller amount of money this year, roughl...

  528 Hits

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