The Material Girls will resume meeting on Tuesday March 29, beginning at 11:30 a.m. in the church narthex. Due to health concerns, we ask that all attending are vaccinated and willing to wear a mask throughout the event. For the time being we will not eat or drink during the meeting. The Material Girls meet for fellowship and sharing of their...
Pastoral Intern Jae Bates has concluded his time with Jubilee Collective. In the near future he will leave his internship at Peace Lutheran in Tacoma and move to St. Paul, Minnesota to work in the Residential Life department of Augsburg University. We thank Jae for his work at Jubilee and wish him God's blessings. Watch your Northern Highlights for...
To get the Zoom link, email Megan Dilitto » (
Recent weeks have seen several changes to the Messiah staff. IT Support Messiah is excited to announce that Lael Maddox has accepted the IT Support position. Lael recently moved with their family from Spokane, WA. Lael worships at Messiah North and plays the ukulele in the Messiah North band. Lael has a degree from USC in Arts, Technology, and the ...
The Quick Take Holy Communion will again be offered at the altar rail at the Hazel Dell campus and in the round at Messiah North. Refreshments will be served before and after worship. March 12Masking becomes optional inside Messiah's buildings and worship spaces, including the Dorothy Link Building that houses Messiah Preschool. The Det...