Upcoming Events

Afghan Refugee Resource Team helping to settle refugees in Vancouver area

The Afghan Refugee Resource Team at Messiah is working closely with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) to help settle refugees from Afghanistan in the Vancouver area. Currently, 20 volunteers from the Messiah community  are busy moving donated furniture to the refugee's new homes, helping them register for the government programs...

  487 Hits

Godly Play every other Wednesday starting January 12

After receiving the feedback of families with children and facilitating some trial-and-adjustment, Godly Play will be offered every other Wednesday, starting in January and until such a time as we have the numbers (both volunteer and participant) to look at expansion. Godly Play will still be the place of curiosity and wonder it has always been, bu...

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Pr. Kathy's Book Club will discuss "Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro, Wednesday, Jan. 5

Click here for the direct link to this Zoom book club meeting »  Pr. Kathy facilitates stimulating conversation among Messiah's book club participants each month, drawing upon overarching themes from various storylines in each book. She also provides theological perspective. Lack of conversation is never a challenge as everyone has the opportu...

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'One Coin Found.' A 4-week study of Emmy Kegler’s book that examines Luke’s ‘lost’ parables in light of the author’s self-discovery and church experience as a gay woman.

Led by Pr. Peter and Intern Pr. Katie  Via Zoom Tues. mornings starting Jan. 4 at 6:00a. Via Zoom Wed. mornings starting Jan. 5 at 10:00a.  Pr. Peter and Intern Pr. Katie invite you to an auto-biographically based re-examination of Luke, chapter 15, by Emmy Kegler. Kegler is an ELCA pastor who serves Grace Lutheran Chu...

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Offering envelopes for 2022 available at Messiah Hazel Dell office

Offering envelopes for 2022 are available for pick up outside of the Front Office.  If you would like to have labels made with your name and envelope number and/or you would like to have envelopes mailed to you, please contact Sally Dost at 360-574-7081 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Please specify how many envelopes you need.

  312 Hits

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