Charles' final day at Messiah will be January 31, 2022 The Church Leadership Team (CLT) and pastors were saddened to receive a letter of resignation from Charles Reinmuth at their monthly meeting last Tuesday (12.07.2021). Charles has accepted the position of Worship Coordinator at St. Luke Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Spokane. If you're a...
Jae Bates, the new pastoral intern for Jubilee Collective, received a warm welcome from the Messiah Community at a pair of meet and greet events on Nov. 22. Pr. Jae will be splitting time between Peace Lutheran in Tacoma and Messiah and Jubilee Collective in Vancouver at least through May while finishing Masters of Divinity studies. The...
We all know someone who is grieving during this Holiday season. This article from Kenneth Haugk, the founder of Stephen Ministry, provides some ideas of how you might help a person in grief. If you are interested in learning how to help someone who is grieving, please contact Dianne Dawson,
In August of this year the collapse of the Afghan government occurred sooner than intelligence projections had estimated, and evacuation of foreigners and vulnerable Afghans became significantly more urgent. Many of the Afghans supported the US and NATO forces in their attempt to ensure democracy in Afghanistan. The US has temporarily housed many o...
Messiah guests are invited to enter deeper into the season of advent this season through a display in the Church Narthex. The display will feature a new tree each week focusing on the theme of that week's advent gospel message. The first week was hope, the second week peace, and the third and fourth weeks will be love and joy respectively as we jou...